About this serie:
Code Red
Code Red is a project about male victims of domestic violence.
By domestic violence we often think of women.
According to the research institute WODC, in Holland there are
about 80.000 males each year, who become victim of severe
domestic violence.
The Netherlands started a trial in 2008 for men shelter where
the victims of physical and or psychological violence could stay.
The first men shelter was established in 2003.
An initiative of a man who was a victim of domestic violence
in the past. From an anonymous location in Rotterdam
he runs a shelter for men victims.
I contacted him and asked if it was possible to visit the shelter
during a month and stay a few nights, so I was able to connect
with the victims, hear their stories and interview them.
Off course they didn’t felt like it at the beginning, but after
explaining that I lived in the same bullet proof shelter for
female in the past and had Code red myself and so knew it
was very important to guarantee their safety.
They accepted my request.
After my stay and visits in the men shelter I created a
photobook of their injuries and exhibited this together with
the stories of the victims of domestic violence.
Code Red is the police code for acute danger.
You receive this code when there is a high chance of
severe violence. The phone number and situation
of the victim is registered by the police. The moment
the victim calls, they don’t ask questions and
instantly come to you.